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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Butcher Brophey Replaces Own Knee

In one of the final Strawbs' games of the season, the Butcher left the game early after his 3rd infraction attempting to acquire the last part he needed to re-build his more than wonky knee.  With some spare parts found in his garage behind his hockey equipment and beer stash, he was able to carve up his knee with his trusty Sherwood 5030 and install the new-to-him parts.  Aside from a few minor setbacks due to, among other things, a quick squash game followed by a local pick up game of Roller Derby, the Butcher is on the mend.


Anonymous said...

Never one to just sit around and wait for things to happen, the Butcher hobbled down to Gumbyland last night to show-off his stapleless scar...and to wax eloquently about how he had pulled each and every staple out that day, with his bare teeth of course - this guy knows no boundaries folks...thank GAWD he's on our side!

Anonymous said...

Just another example of what makes the Butcher great.

For his next feat of self-improvement through the immolation of others, the Butcher will attempt to graft, to his own rather impressive organ of thought, the piece of Einstein's brain he surreptitiously removed from the Smithsonian last month while sojourning in Washington with Miss Go Go Boots.