Dubious Awards
The Leak - Was I Suppossed to Stop That?The Butcher - Miss White Go Go Boots Service Award
Gawdawful Gumby - Pokey Pumpkin-socked Picaroon
Whoahorny - A535, Smells Like Casselholme
Archilles - What's That Meshy Thing Behind the Goalie?
Ice Marshall - Suffering Fools Patiently
Magnesium Boy - When I Skate Fast, I Don't Have to Think
Pajama Man - My Crackberry Stole My Scoring Touch
The Torch - Creaky, Leaky, But Still Sneaky
Freight Train 444 - Scoring With a Velocity Challenged Shot
Dr. Thug - C'mon Boys, We Can Still Score Another 10 Goals Easy
Wanderin' Warren Peace - Yes Dear, No Dear, If You Say So Dear